Barfield Joins Fight to Save Outdoor Education

-  1.5 million potentially life-changing trips away from the classroom have been cancelled

- Barfield School is gifting 10 outdoor adventure sessions in a bid to rescue lost school trips

- 350 students to be given the opportunity to attend a team building programme

Barfield School is opening up its award-winning outdoor pursuits department to local schools and inner-city London schools in a bid to rescue adventure trips that have been cancelled due to the pandemic.

According to UK Outdoors, two million British children a year usually go on trips and since March some 1.5 million children have missed out as lockdown and social distancing rules mean overnight excursions have had to be cancelled.

Andy Boyle, Head of Barfield School, says: “We see first-hand how children thrive on outdoor education and never has there been a time when the restorative powers of nature are more needed than now.

“Problem-solving, teamwork and resilience are just some of the vital life skills children will take away with them, boosting their confidence and creating life-long memories.”

Barfield School’s dedicated outdoor facilities, Three Peaks, features a full-size climbing wall, zip wire, low-rope and high-rope courses, off-road quad bike tracks, archery range, aeroball trampoline, wooded area for campfires, an obstacle course and treehouse classroom.

Karl Gibling, who heads up Three Peaks Barfield, says: “It’s a tragedy to think millions of children across the country are missing out on life-changing opportunities; moments when their eyes light up, moments when they truly believe in themselves, moments when they collaborate and tune in to
those around them to overcome challenges.

“As part of a wider community of educators championing outside learning, we just can’t see these moments lost to a generation.”

Junior schools in commuting distance to Barfield School, Farnham, that have had to cancel school trips this year are invited to complete an application by clicking on this  link to apply for a free morning or afternoon adventure session.